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(I) 疫情下的虛擬現實 遠距社交 雲端講座 隔空茶聚 

Long distance social gathering, lectures and tea parties are becoming a reality


How could I carry out such a tea party before Zoom became a popular sport? I sent a picture of my tea set to friends and invited them to join me in an virtual tea meeting.  Included on the invitation is the name of tea to be served – Red Jade Tea (紅玉茶)

Indeed, what a different world we are in today.  Every morning you wake up and think, the world we are in has been turned upside down, could this be a dream?

But we are blessed with some tools at hand.  Technology!  Thanks to PC, iPhone and other gadgets which most people own at least one now, we can still connect by email or other social platforms with one another and the outside world. 

That gave me the idea of having a virtual tea gathering just like the old days.  

**Red Jade Tea (紅玉茶): 是台茶 18 號的台灣紅玉茶,由在地野生山茶與來自緬甸的大葉種紅茶交配成的新品種「森林紅茶」。我以前送給幾位朋友的也是這茶的另一品牌。香味中據稱有薄荷、柚子 、玫瑰等多元香氣,這是書上説的,每個人聞到的肯定不太一樣。

(II) 車房外的屋角小花園 A small patio garden for flowers or vegetables 

Gardening gives me a purpose to occupy some of my idle time and good exercise opportunities.  It also provides an excuse to go outside enjoying fresh air and sun !

A picture containing plant, outdoor, ground, flower

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A group of animals in a field

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These are separate stands for arrangement of various flowers

A bouquet of flowers

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A picture containing flower, plant, decorated

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(III) 逛公園 看水鳥 In the Park
A bench sits by a lake

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A group of birds flying over a body of water

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I like to go to the park nearby which has a lake.  Sit in the park bench by a swaying willow tree watching the water fowls play in lake and while away an entire afternoon 

(IV) 天鵝湖 Swan Lake


Pair of swans spent a quiet time on the lake surrounded by trees in the wood with reflections of their branches swaying in harmony with a light breeze

Below is a watercolor from a photo by a friend who lives nearby a lake on the East Coast: 

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Hope you’ve enjoyed the virtual tea gathering & sightseeing alongside me!


1965 林豐蓉 Grace Liu

臺灣大學外文系、馬里蘭大學圖書館資訊學系畢業,在公共圖書館領域工作近二十載,退休多年。千禧年間旅居香港六年,返美後草創電影社 Movie club 歷時十載,2016 由實體影社轉為雲端聊天室迄今。目前以繪畫、攝影及寫部落格為主要日常活動,從讀書報告、影評到如今的圖與文短篇分享於不同友人群組。