Trim fat from US “Prime” grade New York Steak (“Prime” is the top grade beef usually sold to restaurants. It is now available at Costco. “Choice” grade is lower.)
Add sliced green onion, minced garlic, pepper, oyster sauce (recommend 李錦記舊庄蠔油), mix well, put in plastic bag (1 or 2 piece per bag depending on serving size), freeze for future use.
The day before consumption, defrost one package in the refrigerator. Put the beef on a small rack in a shallow baking pan (so it does not have direct contact with the baking pan). Place the pan on the middle rack in a 275F oven and bake for 35 – 40 minutes to cook the inside of the meat evenly.
Preheat the pan (recommend cast iron griddle) to high heat, grill one side of the steak to desired brown or until it smokes (about 3-4 minutes), then grill the other side. Remove from heat. Let it rest on the cutting board for about 10 minutes before cutting to keep juice in the steak from running out.
Pre-bake 牛排 on the rack, 不同部位,不同厚薄,不同喜好,的牛排,最好是調節烤箱溫度,不要縮短時間來調節牛排的 doneness, 如果用較薄的sirloin steak可試試250度,35分鐘。(基本上是讓整塊牛肉從裏到外,一起達到125~130度的溫度,所以是要用低溫慢慢加熱,肉的溫度愈平均愈好。)牛排寧可過生,也不要過熟,如切開一刀覺得太生,可將切好的牛排回鍋再quick sear 上下兩面,風味會更好。
Rack 不必買太貴的,只要大小形狀適用即可,因為最高也只有275度。